
Apparently this member of the Darfur Kill Squad...

da78fb7985b84567ec0cada8813772c4c0f.jpg darfur picture by nickcarter03

...shops at Diesel. 
Like 10 years after it was even cool!

Or maybe our humanitarian effort is basically just air-dropping crates of old frat boy clothes: 

"Hey Dog, what should I do with all these fleur-de-lis printed t-shirts and distressed jeans?"
"I don't know. Goodwill?"
 "Bro, I bought these at The Rail in fucking NORDSTROM. I'm not giving 'em to some poor 
pathetic-ass store for broke jerks."
"Then fucking give 'em to Darfur, Broseph."
"Yeah. Very niiiiiice. Remember Borat?"
"Let's watch that DVD when you're done ending genocide."

Seriously, those shoes.

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